Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am a Child of the 90's

Okay, so this blog here doesn't have to be ALL about my life with boys, right?!?!?!

I finally had a moment today to take in a deep breath of fall air and....... it hit me. Do you know what month is almost here? If you said November, you were right.

Do you know what happens in November? If you said Thanksgiving, you are technically correct but that isn't the event I'm talking about.

I know you can hardly contain yourself. You are yelling at the computer screen right now, "Tell us Chandra WHAT IS IT?" Okay, I'll tell you.
Here goes............20 days........................................ until...................... St. Louis, MO............................... has..................................

wait for it..........

wait for it............

NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK in concert. I know you just about fell out of your chair. It's okay. Don't pretend that there wasn't a part of you that got a little excited.

So my girlfriends (you know who you are) get ready, get geared up because on November 10th Danny, Donnie, Jon, Jordan and Joey are going met the "mommies". We are going decked out in 90's formal attire. So, ladies, get gussied up and come have a blast with the past. Remember the countdown has begun.

Warning: This event is not for the faint hearted!!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I sat down to crash last night after a hectic past couple of days. Between trying to get everything finished for the Harvest Festival and taking my hubby to the ER to find out he has cellulitis in his knee, I have been a little busy.

So as I sat down last night guess what I discovered. This is no joke. All I could say was, "Are you kidding me?"

Are you ready?

Bluey-Boy belly up on the bottom of the fish tank. We went years with 2 beta fish alive and flipping (figured they don't really kick) around. Now, we have lost 3 fish in a matter of a few months. Of course, there weren't any tears shed for this fish. If you wonder why you will have to read here. Here are a few of my possible scenarios for why Bluey-Boy is no longer.

1. He was lonely (not very likely, he was never easy to live with to begin with)

2. He died of a guilty heart

3. Noah ended up going through with his vengeful ideas

4. We overfed him

5. I am out of ideas. Maybe you have one to share.

Leave me you scenario in the comment section.

Well, off to Wal-Mart to find some more fish. Hopefully, we will find compatible ones.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

Not a pleasant title for a not so pleasant post. While the boys were doing their chores this morning, Mr. N found a not so pleasant fish bottom up in the fish tank. Poor kid. This is the second fish he has lost in three months.

As I mentioned this is a not so pleasant post. Mr. I also has a fish, Bluey-Boy. So, to make matters worse it just so happens that Bluey-Boy is the culprit. Yes, folks he killed Bluey-Girl. He was chomping at her fins the other night and we thought they were just playing around. When we found her, she had NO FINS at all. Who would have thought? I mean they had been living together for over 3 months. What happened?

The first thing from Mr. N's mouth was, "Well, now I know why they didn't have any babies together". We learned a lot about vengeance and forgiveness today. Mr. N felt like he should punish Bluey-Boy (not just punish for a time but punish until.... you know) because "he is a murderer". Very dramatic. Not sure where he gets that?!?

Of course, now Mr. I wants a new fish also because he is traumatized that his fish is a "murderer". I knew male beta fish were aggressive with other males but the note on the female beta fish label had only this warning: "Do not put with a male unless ready to mate". Apparently we should have checked out match.com to make sure they were compatible. Oh well, you live and you learn. We learned "Bluey-Boy doesn't want any babies".

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hunting, Harvest and Happy Mommy

I love everything about fall. Let me count the ways I love thee (fall).

1. The weather - crisp, clean, perfect temperature (love is blind).

2. The colors - changing leaves, apples, pumpkins, cornstalks, you get the idea.

3. The quiet - boys playing outside for hours on end. Yes, I love watching them enjoy the outdoors and I love the quiet that provides. That and they sleep VERY WELL. I sent them out yesterday with their backpacks (full of snacks), hot cocoa and a walkie-talkie. They felt like they were on quite the adventure. I love watching their eyes light up with excitement. They were like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

4. The fun - mainly our church Harvest Festival. We have been doing this on Halloween night every year for the past six years and it has been a huge success. We invite the entire community. It is a night full of free fun. Games, candy, pony rides, inflatables, free food and fun, fun, fun. It is fun y'all.

5. The deer - not me, but the boys do love hunting. I include this on my list because my husband loves deer hunting. I get excited for him in the fall because he gets to go out and do something for himself. No expectations, just him communing with nature and God. He always comes home happy and refreshed and that makes mommy happy. Happy wife, happy life.

Well, I am sure I could come up with more, but for time's sake I will leave you with my top five. Have a blessed day and enjoy the season with me.