My boys love to tell me all about their bad dreams, some of which are quite vivid. Mr. N wanted to tell me all about this dream he had the other night. I hate to admit that most of the time I just pretend I am listening, they seriously could tell me dreams ALL DAY LONG. I am trying to be better at always taking advantage of the moment because before long getting them to tell me anything will be like pulling teeth. Okay on to the dream.
Mr. N: Okay, so there was this bad guy chasing us, but I couldn't tell who it was because he was dressed kinda dark. We were runnning really fast away from him and then we were at home and our new dad (Me: (thinking) New dad?) was making dinner. He was making burritos and I told him I liked his burritos but that I kinda liked my other dad's burritos better.
Me: Where was daddy? Did he die?
Mr. N: No, he didn't die.
Me: Then where is daddy?
Mr. N: Well, he went deer hunting too much.
I just about lost it. Of course, I had to tell the dear hubby that story (I am not sure he appreciated it). His response was, "what kind of crap (sorry Mary Lou) are you feeding our son?" (he was joking of course....I think =) ). I then reassured Mr. N that mommy was never going to leave daddy. To this he responded, "MOOOM, I know that, can I please finish my story?" So sorry Mr. N carry on. Anyway, the rest of the dream was a lot about fighting and so on and so forth. Kudos to me I sat and attentively listened to every single word he said.
Oh, how fast the time goes. Remember, no matter how bad your day, your children are a blessing and will be going away to college and getting married in the blink of an eye. Cherish them, the traits that may irritate the snot out of you may very well be the ones that make them the most incredible leader.
That's some funny stuff!
Well, your Hubby had another Daddy when he was little, but his Daddy was not just in a bad dream, he "lived" in our community for over a year...
Wow, you can learn a lot about your family here! :) Who was that man, MaryLou? :)
Well, there was this man who drove a yellow Chevy pickup, and whenever Matthew saw that pickup he would shout out VERY LOUD "THERE'S MY OTHER DAD!" It was sorta embarrassing! LOL I think he remembers a lot of it. He had the OTHER MOM die from burns she got when their OTHER HOUSE burned down. This was near the end of his fantasy. My nephew, Andrew had some imaginary friends too.... And my brother Chuck had his little friends Martha And Johnny.... Lots of imagination in our family!
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