I’ve been tagged! I am still new to all this bloggy business but I thought this would be fun to try. Hopefully, I do it right. I love the holidays so this tag should be fun, I love to hear everyone's holiday story. Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Fill out the questions below
3. Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag. Have FUN!!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate with mini marshmallows.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Wraps them - not very well, mind you.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
That is a toss up. There is such elegance to just white lights but the Christmas just speaks color to me.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, as Mr. N would say, “That’s gross” (kissing that is).
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Usually the day after Thanksgiving, however our tiny apartment doesn’t allow too much room for a tree so we will have to enjoy everyone else’s tree.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Stuffing and homemade rolls (actually any rolls, I am a carbaholic).
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child:
Decorating the tree with my family.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I don’t recall, I don’t really ever remember believing in him but I am sure I did. We had a lot of fictious characters leave presents for us over the years.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes -just one.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
Our tree is covered with anything and everything. You name it, it is probably on our tree.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!
12. Can you ice skate?Y
Yes, I guess, I do love it of course I have only been once or twice, but it was soooo much fun.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
There have been so many that each held a special meaning to me. I can’t really narrow it down.
14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
I have to ditto Heather’s response, "Remembering and celebrating the birth of our Savior and spending time with the family. Making great memories."
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Pumpkin Pie, I cannot get enough.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Games especially Scrabble.
17. What tops your tree?
Usually a star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
Giving for sure, it is way more fun.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
I pretty much love almost all Christmas music but so far Chicago’s Christmas Album is my favorite.
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
21. What do you want for Christmas?
A free standing mixer, camera or a keyboard.
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas Party?
No, other than the party going on with the extended fam.
23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs?
24. Do you own a santa hat?
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
I try to spend it just with the boys, but with all the family around that doesn’t usually last too long. They are up, opened all the presents and ready for more festivities before I even crawl out of bed (okay, I may be stretching that a little).
I tag: Jordan, Mandy, Molly, Kristi, Nicole, Ashley and Shannon.
Snips, snails and hunting tales and whatever a little girl is made of.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pictures - Make Me Say Ugh!
I finally got the dear hubby pinned down to take some pictures of our kiddos. He is always doing everyone's pictures except ours. "Schedule me a day", he says. Haha! Very funny. Anyway, we decided to go out and try some pictures. Here is how the day went.....
Lil Mr. N - extremely crabby because....well......it took longer than expected to get everyone dressed and out the door. All he wanted the WHOLE time was me. I don't like pictures, yet in order to make him happy I had to be with him in almost all of them. Yuck!
The weather - temperature was great, wind was HORRIBLE!!!!!
The big boys - apparently left their listening ears at home.
The camera - oh yes the camera decided to quit working. Just one of many things in my life right now that have decided to throw in the towel and call it quits.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from our fun, exciting day. We will have to schedule another appointment with daddy very soon.

Lil Mr. N - extremely crabby because....well......it took longer than expected to get everyone dressed and out the door. All he wanted the WHOLE time was me. I don't like pictures, yet in order to make him happy I had to be with him in almost all of them. Yuck!
The weather - temperature was great, wind was HORRIBLE!!!!!
The big boys - apparently left their listening ears at home.
The camera - oh yes the camera decided to quit working. Just one of many things in my life right now that have decided to throw in the towel and call it quits.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from our fun, exciting day. We will have to schedule another appointment with daddy very soon.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Harvest Festival - The Party of the Year
My husband and I aren't really into the whole Halloween thing. It just isn't something we want to celebrate. We want to enjoy the time of year and all that it brings. Pumpkins, hunting, harvesting, changing foliage, etc. So, 6 years ago one of my SILs and myself decided we wanted something different. We came up with an idea (well actually my dear SIL had the idea from one she had attended) to provide an alternative to the traditional Halloween ghosts, goblins and such.
The event was held at our church and open to the whole community. We had game booths, pony rides, inflatable bounce house and slide, free food and a harvest of fun. My SIL was only around for the first year and everyone insisted that Harvest Fest become an annual event. Guess who took it upon herself to make sure that happen. You guessed it.......................ME.
Harvest Fest has been a true blessing in my life and I am very passionate about it. So, if any of you were wondering if I had fallen off the face of the earth no need to fret. Harvest Fest is over and I am actually among the land of the living once more. I have been knee deep in painting, building, decorating, sorting, counting, etc for the past month and have just managed to recoup some energy (and time) to get back to the blogging world.
I had intended on having more pictures for everyone but finding time to snap pictures when you are trying to oversee 60 volunteers and accommodate over 300 parents and children doesn't leave much time for pictures. I had thought about sending dear hubby out to take pictures for me but I didn't even have time for that.
So for now I just have this one. Mr. N and Mr. I all decked out as their favorite characters (FYI: that would be pretty much anything from Star Wars). Thanks Aunt Kristi for the costumes, the boys loved them.
So have no fear I am back and blogging all about my many adventures with boys. Until next time, may the force be with you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I am a Child of the 90's
Okay, so this blog here doesn't have to be ALL about my life with boys, right?!?!?!
I finally had a moment today to take in a deep breath of fall air and....... it hit me. Do you know what month is almost here? If you said November, you were right.
Do you know what happens in November? If you said Thanksgiving, you are technically correct but that isn't the event I'm talking about.
I know you can hardly contain yourself. You are yelling at the computer screen right now, "Tell us Chandra WHAT IS IT?" Okay, I'll tell you.
Here goes............20 days........................................ until...................... St. Louis, MO............................... has..................................
wait for it..........
wait for it............
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK in concert. I know you just about fell out of your chair. It's okay. Don't pretend that there wasn't a part of you that got a little excited.
So my girlfriends (you know who you are) get ready, get geared up because on November 10th Danny, Donnie, Jon, Jordan and Joey are going met the "mommies". We are going decked out in 90's formal attire. So, ladies, get gussied up and come have a blast with the past. Remember the countdown has begun.
Warning: This event is not for the faint hearted!!!!
I finally had a moment today to take in a deep breath of fall air and....... it hit me. Do you know what month is almost here? If you said November, you were right.
Do you know what happens in November? If you said Thanksgiving, you are technically correct but that isn't the event I'm talking about.
I know you can hardly contain yourself. You are yelling at the computer screen right now, "Tell us Chandra WHAT IS IT?" Okay, I'll tell you.
Here goes............20 days........................................ until...................... St. Louis, MO............................... has..................................
wait for it..........
wait for it............
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK in concert. I know you just about fell out of your chair. It's okay. Don't pretend that there wasn't a part of you that got a little excited.
So my girlfriends (you know who you are) get ready, get geared up because on November 10th Danny, Donnie, Jon, Jordan and Joey are going met the "mommies". We are going decked out in 90's formal attire. So, ladies, get gussied up and come have a blast with the past. Remember the countdown has begun.
Warning: This event is not for the faint hearted!!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I sat down to crash last night after a hectic past couple of days. Between trying to get everything finished for the Harvest Festival and taking my hubby to the ER to find out he has cellulitis in his knee, I have been a little busy.
So as I sat down last night guess what I discovered. This is no joke. All I could say was, "Are you kidding me?"
Are you ready?
Bluey-Boy belly up on the bottom of the fish tank. We went years with 2 beta fish alive and flipping (figured they don't really kick) around. Now, we have lost 3 fish in a matter of a few months. Of course, there weren't any tears shed for this fish. If you wonder why you will have to read here. Here are a few of my possible scenarios for why Bluey-Boy is no longer.
1. He was lonely (not very likely, he was never easy to live with to begin with)
2. He died of a guilty heart
3. Noah ended up going through with his vengeful ideas
4. We overfed him
5. I am out of ideas. Maybe you have one to share.
Leave me you scenario in the comment section.
Well, off to Wal-Mart to find some more fish. Hopefully, we will find compatible ones.
So as I sat down last night guess what I discovered. This is no joke. All I could say was, "Are you kidding me?"
Are you ready?
Bluey-Boy belly up on the bottom of the fish tank. We went years with 2 beta fish alive and flipping (figured they don't really kick) around. Now, we have lost 3 fish in a matter of a few months. Of course, there weren't any tears shed for this fish. If you wonder why you will have to read here. Here are a few of my possible scenarios for why Bluey-Boy is no longer.
1. He was lonely (not very likely, he was never easy to live with to begin with)
2. He died of a guilty heart
3. Noah ended up going through with his vengeful ideas
4. We overfed him
5. I am out of ideas. Maybe you have one to share.
Leave me you scenario in the comment section.
Well, off to Wal-Mart to find some more fish. Hopefully, we will find compatible ones.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Another One Bites the Dust
Not a pleasant title for a not so pleasant post. While the boys were doing their chores this morning, Mr. N found a not so pleasant fish bottom up in the fish tank. Poor kid. This is the second fish he has lost in three months.
As I mentioned this is a not so pleasant post. Mr. I also has a fish, Bluey-Boy. So, to make matters worse it just so happens that Bluey-Boy is the culprit. Yes, folks he killed Bluey-Girl. He was chomping at her fins the other night and we thought they were just playing around. When we found her, she had NO FINS at all. Who would have thought? I mean they had been living together for over 3 months. What happened?
The first thing from Mr. N's mouth was, "Well, now I know why they didn't have any babies together". We learned a lot about vengeance and forgiveness today. Mr. N felt like he should punish Bluey-Boy (not just punish for a time but punish until.... you know) because "he is a murderer". Very dramatic. Not sure where he gets that?!?
Of course, now Mr. I wants a new fish also because he is traumatized that his fish is a "murderer". I knew male beta fish were aggressive with other males but the note on the female beta fish label had only this warning: "Do not put with a male unless ready to mate". Apparently we should have checked out match.com to make sure they were compatible. Oh well, you live and you learn. We learned "Bluey-Boy doesn't want any babies".
As I mentioned this is a not so pleasant post. Mr. I also has a fish, Bluey-Boy. So, to make matters worse it just so happens that Bluey-Boy is the culprit. Yes, folks he killed Bluey-Girl. He was chomping at her fins the other night and we thought they were just playing around. When we found her, she had NO FINS at all. Who would have thought? I mean they had been living together for over 3 months. What happened?
The first thing from Mr. N's mouth was, "Well, now I know why they didn't have any babies together". We learned a lot about vengeance and forgiveness today. Mr. N felt like he should punish Bluey-Boy (not just punish for a time but punish until.... you know) because "he is a murderer". Very dramatic. Not sure where he gets that?!?
Of course, now Mr. I wants a new fish also because he is traumatized that his fish is a "murderer". I knew male beta fish were aggressive with other males but the note on the female beta fish label had only this warning: "Do not put with a male unless ready to mate". Apparently we should have checked out match.com to make sure they were compatible. Oh well, you live and you learn. We learned "Bluey-Boy doesn't want any babies".
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hunting, Harvest and Happy Mommy
I love everything about fall. Let me count the ways I love thee (fall).
1. The weather - crisp, clean, perfect temperature (love is blind).
2. The colors - changing leaves, apples, pumpkins, cornstalks, you get the idea.
3. The quiet - boys playing outside for hours on end. Yes, I love watching them enjoy the outdoors and I love the quiet that provides. That and they sleep VERY WELL. I sent them out yesterday with their backpacks (full of snacks), hot cocoa and a walkie-talkie. They felt like they were on quite the adventure. I love watching their eyes light up with excitement. They were like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
4. The fun - mainly our church Harvest Festival. We have been doing this on Halloween night every year for the past six years and it has been a huge success. We invite the entire community. It is a night full of free fun. Games, candy, pony rides, inflatables, free food and fun, fun, fun. It is fun y'all.
5. The deer - not me, but the boys do love hunting. I include this on my list because my husband loves deer hunting. I get excited for him in the fall because he gets to go out and do something for himself. No expectations, just him communing with nature and God. He always comes home happy and refreshed and that makes mommy happy. Happy wife, happy life.
Well, I am sure I could come up with more, but for time's sake I will leave you with my top five. Have a blessed day and enjoy the season with me.
1. The weather - crisp, clean, perfect temperature (love is blind).
2. The colors - changing leaves, apples, pumpkins, cornstalks, you get the idea.
3. The quiet - boys playing outside for hours on end. Yes, I love watching them enjoy the outdoors and I love the quiet that provides. That and they sleep VERY WELL. I sent them out yesterday with their backpacks (full of snacks), hot cocoa and a walkie-talkie. They felt like they were on quite the adventure. I love watching their eyes light up with excitement. They were like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
4. The fun - mainly our church Harvest Festival. We have been doing this on Halloween night every year for the past six years and it has been a huge success. We invite the entire community. It is a night full of free fun. Games, candy, pony rides, inflatables, free food and fun, fun, fun. It is fun y'all.
5. The deer - not me, but the boys do love hunting. I include this on my list because my husband loves deer hunting. I get excited for him in the fall because he gets to go out and do something for himself. No expectations, just him communing with nature and God. He always comes home happy and refreshed and that makes mommy happy. Happy wife, happy life.
Well, I am sure I could come up with more, but for time's sake I will leave you with my top five. Have a blessed day and enjoy the season with me.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys
Sometimes you really should take the time to pick up the camera and snap a picture.
I pulled up to my parent's house today and began unloading the crew. As I went to open the door, I noticed something on the siding by the door. It was a muddy hand print. I immediately, of course, demanded to know who was responsible for "this mess".
I could tell from the look on his face that Mr. N was guilty. This comes after I specifically told both the boys the other day to not play in the mud. Guess what? They did.
Mr. I, being either not as inventive as Mr. N or not wanting to disobey his mother was smart enough to not leave any evidence behind. I got Mr. N a rag and sent him to scrubbing.
As I walked back outside I realized Mr. N has decorated EVERY SINGLE plank around the entire shed with a precious muddy hand print. There was even more. He had made a lovely, little collage next to the trash can. Oh, what boys can do when you are just gone for a moment.
Of course Grandma thought it was cute. She even made the comment that it gave her an idea. I see a shed with all her living grandchildrens' handprints plastered all over, here in the near future. Well, at least she was thoughtful enough to not let the boys know how cute she thought it was.
So, I had to blog about this, but I have no picture for it. So, ladies before you go on your rampage (I am sure I am the only who ever goes on rampages), make sure you
CLICK...Take a pic (thanks Diego)
I pulled up to my parent's house today and began unloading the crew. As I went to open the door, I noticed something on the siding by the door. It was a muddy hand print. I immediately, of course, demanded to know who was responsible for "this mess".
I could tell from the look on his face that Mr. N was guilty. This comes after I specifically told both the boys the other day to not play in the mud. Guess what? They did.
Mr. I, being either not as inventive as Mr. N or not wanting to disobey his mother was smart enough to not leave any evidence behind. I got Mr. N a rag and sent him to scrubbing.
As I walked back outside I realized Mr. N has decorated EVERY SINGLE plank around the entire shed with a precious muddy hand print. There was even more. He had made a lovely, little collage next to the trash can. Oh, what boys can do when you are just gone for a moment.
Of course Grandma thought it was cute. She even made the comment that it gave her an idea. I see a shed with all her living grandchildrens' handprints plastered all over, here in the near future. Well, at least she was thoughtful enough to not let the boys know how cute she thought it was.
So, I had to blog about this, but I have no picture for it. So, ladies before you go on your rampage (I am sure I am the only who ever goes on rampages), make sure you
CLICK...Take a pic (thanks Diego)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Kids Say The Darndest Things
While I was doubling coupons at K-Mart the other day, my boys were trying to be my bargain scouts. I would show them a picture and they would try to hunt for that item. Here is what I showed them.

Here is the verbal exchange going on during the hunt.
Mr. N and Mr. I in unison.
"What's stuck in the toilet today? "
"A dirty clip-on....EEEEEWWWW!"
Both boys pretending to hold something up.
"This cleans your toilet for a whole week."
"So you don't have to eeeewwww again."
I almost rolled on the floor with laughter. I don't really let the kids watch much TV and when I do I'm pretty strict on what they watch. Apparently, that commercial appeals to the younger audience. It must be rated E for everyone.

Here is the verbal exchange going on during the hunt.
Mr. N and Mr. I in unison.
"What's stuck in the toilet today? "
"A dirty clip-on....EEEEEWWWW!"
Both boys pretending to hold something up.
"This cleans your toilet for a whole week."
"So you don't have to eeeewwww again."
I almost rolled on the floor with laughter. I don't really let the kids watch much TV and when I do I'm pretty strict on what they watch. Apparently, that commercial appeals to the younger audience. It must be rated E for everyone.
Lunch With An Olympic Gold Medalist
Yesterday my parents, my siblings and their families, myself and my family all got together to have lunch with an OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST! This was not just any gold medalist, this was family. Scott Touzinsky was, number 18, on the USA Men's Volleyball this summer at the Beijing Olympics. Scott is married to my cousin Angel. We had such a great time. Scott is such a humble guy and gladly shares his gold with anyone who wants to see. I was so impressed with his attitude. He doesn't seem much like one to let things go to his head and he appears to still have the attitude despite the fact that he has been treated much like a celebrity since arriving back home in St. Louis, Missouri.
The whole day seemed unreal. Not many people get to see an Olympic gold medal let alone hold it. How many people actually know an Olympian? It was so exciting just to think that we were going to know someone who had been in the Olympics and we watched Scott play almost every game (thanks to TIVO). We are so proud of Scott and excited that we actually got to see an Olympic medal, GOLD to boot.
A little interesting fact about the medals from the Olympics. China is well known for its high resource of jade. On the back of each medal is a ring of jade, Gold has white jade, Silver has green jade and Bronze has black jade. Thanks again Scott for spending the day with us and sharing your once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy all the pictures.

The whole day seemed unreal. Not many people get to see an Olympic gold medal let alone hold it. How many people actually know an Olympian? It was so exciting just to think that we were going to know someone who had been in the Olympics and we watched Scott play almost every game (thanks to TIVO). We are so proud of Scott and excited that we actually got to see an Olympic medal, GOLD to boot.
A little interesting fact about the medals from the Olympics. China is well known for its high resource of jade. On the back of each medal is a ring of jade, Gold has white jade, Silver has green jade and Bronze has black jade. Thanks again Scott for spending the day with us and sharing your once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy all the pictures.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
His First Fred Bear Bow
Mr. N loves to hunt and fish. Anything that his dad loves, he loves. So Mr. N turned 7 in August and has been saving all his birthday money for a special purchase. I tried to coerce him into a multitude of "safe" items but resolved myself to the fact that if he doesn't get the item he wants he is going to find a way to make it with whatever he can find. In the past that hasn't been such a good idea.
Like the light saber he made out of a metal pipe which sliced open his little brother's hand, which sent us to the ER, which led to Mr. I getting 8 sutures (not stitches, he was pretty adamant about that) in his hand. Okay, you get the picture.
So, the overprotective mother in me decided somethings I just have to let go. Dad and Mr. N picked out his special purchase last night. In walks Mr. N with a smile from ear to ear, showing off his new bow. He couldn't wait to get that thing out and start target shooting. Of course, before he did that some crazy, overprotective mom had to make sure he knew ALL the rules of safe archery. I think my husband might have rolled his eyes at me.
Hey I can only take so much.
Last night the hubby "made" me let Mr. N go get his own pizza from the buffet ALL BY HIMSELF. Baby steps people. baby steps.
Like the light saber he made out of a metal pipe which sliced open his little brother's hand, which sent us to the ER, which led to Mr. I getting 8 sutures (not stitches, he was pretty adamant about that) in his hand. Okay, you get the picture.
So, the overprotective mother in me decided somethings I just have to let go. Dad and Mr. N picked out his special purchase last night. In walks Mr. N with a smile from ear to ear, showing off his new bow. He couldn't wait to get that thing out and start target shooting. Of course, before he did that some crazy, overprotective mom had to make sure he knew ALL the rules of safe archery. I think my husband might have rolled his eyes at me.
Hey I can only take so much.
Last night the hubby "made" me let Mr. N go get his own pizza from the buffet ALL BY HIMSELF. Baby steps people. baby steps.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Kids Say the Darndest Things
As the boys spend yet another day fighting over Lil' Mr. N....
Mr. I, "Let me hold him".
Mr. N, "No, I am playing with him right now".
As I casually sit on the couch looking through ads, enters Mr. I.....
Mr. I, "MOOOOOOOOOM, I wish you would have had more babies so that I could have one to play with".
Mr. I, "Let me hold him".
Mr. N, "No, I am playing with him right now".
As I casually sit on the couch looking through ads, enters Mr. I.....
Mr. I, "MOOOOOOOOOM, I wish you would have had more babies so that I could have one to play with".
First Day of First Grade Food Fight
For those of you who don't already know, I have chosen to homeschool my boys. Thank you in advance for your prayers. I am sure I will need them. I have been doing some type of school with Mr. N and Mr. I since they were little. We started school this week and I am attempting to do both boys in the same grade. So far, so good. Note to self: It is only week 1. We are having fun but we have a lot of stuff going on. Also start out as an over-achiever and then realize I have to live in reality.
This summer the kids begged me to send them to school. They wanted to go to "real" school (thanks alot, I guess mommy's school isn't "real" enough for them, wonder if they know that I could change that). I asked them why they wanted to go to "real" school and Mr. I informed me that he wanted to pack his lunch in a lunchbox so he could eat his lunch during lunchtime. I told him that we can do that at our "real" school, so we did. Of course he chose a Star Wars lunch bag and Mr. N chose a Batman one.
So, on the first day of first grade we headed out to the picnic table for our lunch. I stepped inside to get the baby ready for a nap and pick some things up while the boys were entertained outside for the moment. Let me tell you, there were sure entertained. Mr. N. comes into the house with a look of utter disgust across his face. He is huffing and puffing and you can just tell he has HAD IT!
"Mom", he says, "do you see what my brother did to me", holding out his arms and exposing his extremely stained shirt.
"What on earth is all over your shirt?", I ask ever-so-calmly.
Apparently, Mr. I got the idea somewhere that part of lunchtime at school is having a food fight. He spit his food all over his older brother numerous times. I bet he had been planning that all summer long. Needless to say, Mr. I lost lunch packing privileges for the rest of the week. So, this is just a small glimpse of what school is like with boys. I am sure my boys are the ONLY ones who ever act like this. Please tell me they're not, PLEASE!?!?!?
This summer the kids begged me to send them to school. They wanted to go to "real" school (thanks alot, I guess mommy's school isn't "real" enough for them, wonder if they know that I could change that). I asked them why they wanted to go to "real" school and Mr. I informed me that he wanted to pack his lunch in a lunchbox so he could eat his lunch during lunchtime. I told him that we can do that at our "real" school, so we did. Of course he chose a Star Wars lunch bag and Mr. N chose a Batman one.
So, on the first day of first grade we headed out to the picnic table for our lunch. I stepped inside to get the baby ready for a nap and pick some things up while the boys were entertained outside for the moment. Let me tell you, there were sure entertained. Mr. N. comes into the house with a look of utter disgust across his face. He is huffing and puffing and you can just tell he has HAD IT!
"Mom", he says, "do you see what my brother did to me", holding out his arms and exposing his extremely stained shirt.
"What on earth is all over your shirt?", I ask ever-so-calmly.
Apparently, Mr. I got the idea somewhere that part of lunchtime at school is having a food fight. He spit his food all over his older brother numerous times. I bet he had been planning that all summer long. Needless to say, Mr. I lost lunch packing privileges for the rest of the week. So, this is just a small glimpse of what school is like with boys. I am sure my boys are the ONLY ones who ever act like this. Please tell me they're not, PLEASE!?!?!?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Grasshopper Speghetti Anyone?
This is one of those, I am definitely am surrounded by boys, post. My brother and sister and their families were in town for the weekend (we missed you H &K). With that said I am sure there may be a funny post to read in the near future regarding our kid-free night out on the town. Sorry folks but you will just have to wait....in anxious anticipation.....on the edge of your seat.....etc,etc for that post.
Okay onto what happened in my boy filled world. I was preparing dinner for the family while the boys were outside playing (Grandma and Grandpa were outside working on the yard). Anyway, Mr. I comes into the house with a somewhat suspicious grin on his precious little face. He says, "Hey mom I got something for you". More times than I care to mention I have had great little critters bestowed on me in one manner or another. This particular evening was no different. As I stand, slaving over (not really) my gourmet spaghetti (again, not really) Mr. I just continues with his mischievous grin.
I tell him he better not be planning to throw anything at me. With his little hand cupped tightly around something I knew he was definitely plotting something. I again tell him that I am cooking and he better not throw anything at me, especially while I am cooking. He just looks right at me with a huge grin and chunks a grasshopper right at me. I of course squeal in feigned fear and he laughs hysterically and runs back outside.
Later that evening I asked everyone if they enjoyed their grasshopper spaghetti. No response. We are all pretty much inoculated into the boy-filled life I live. Good thing, my three anti-bug nieces hadn't arrived quite yet. I am sure I will continue to live a bug-filled, boy-filled, dirt-filled (you get the picture) life.
Until next time, enjoy your little guys and all their bug fetishes.
Okay onto what happened in my boy filled world. I was preparing dinner for the family while the boys were outside playing (Grandma and Grandpa were outside working on the yard). Anyway, Mr. I comes into the house with a somewhat suspicious grin on his precious little face. He says, "Hey mom I got something for you". More times than I care to mention I have had great little critters bestowed on me in one manner or another. This particular evening was no different. As I stand, slaving over (not really) my gourmet spaghetti (again, not really) Mr. I just continues with his mischievous grin.
I tell him he better not be planning to throw anything at me. With his little hand cupped tightly around something I knew he was definitely plotting something. I again tell him that I am cooking and he better not throw anything at me, especially while I am cooking. He just looks right at me with a huge grin and chunks a grasshopper right at me. I of course squeal in feigned fear and he laughs hysterically and runs back outside.
Later that evening I asked everyone if they enjoyed their grasshopper spaghetti. No response. We are all pretty much inoculated into the boy-filled life I live. Good thing, my three anti-bug nieces hadn't arrived quite yet. I am sure I will continue to live a bug-filled, boy-filled, dirt-filled (you get the picture) life.
Until next time, enjoy your little guys and all their bug fetishes.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Too Much Hunting?!?!?
My boys love to tell me all about their bad dreams, some of which are quite vivid. Mr. N wanted to tell me all about this dream he had the other night. I hate to admit that most of the time I just pretend I am listening, they seriously could tell me dreams ALL DAY LONG. I am trying to be better at always taking advantage of the moment because before long getting them to tell me anything will be like pulling teeth. Okay on to the dream.
Mr. N: Okay, so there was this bad guy chasing us, but I couldn't tell who it was because he was dressed kinda dark. We were runnning really fast away from him and then we were at home and our new dad (Me: (thinking) New dad?) was making dinner. He was making burritos and I told him I liked his burritos but that I kinda liked my other dad's burritos better.
Me: Where was daddy? Did he die?
Mr. N: No, he didn't die.
Me: Then where is daddy?
Mr. N: Well, he went deer hunting too much.
I just about lost it. Of course, I had to tell the dear hubby that story (I am not sure he appreciated it). His response was, "what kind of crap (sorry Mary Lou) are you feeding our son?" (he was joking of course....I think =) ). I then reassured Mr. N that mommy was never going to leave daddy. To this he responded, "MOOOM, I know that, can I please finish my story?" So sorry Mr. N carry on. Anyway, the rest of the dream was a lot about fighting and so on and so forth. Kudos to me I sat and attentively listened to every single word he said.
Oh, how fast the time goes. Remember, no matter how bad your day, your children are a blessing and will be going away to college and getting married in the blink of an eye. Cherish them, the traits that may irritate the snot out of you may very well be the ones that make them the most incredible leader.
Mr. N: Okay, so there was this bad guy chasing us, but I couldn't tell who it was because he was dressed kinda dark. We were runnning really fast away from him and then we were at home and our new dad (Me: (thinking) New dad?) was making dinner. He was making burritos and I told him I liked his burritos but that I kinda liked my other dad's burritos better.
Me: Where was daddy? Did he die?
Mr. N: No, he didn't die.
Me: Then where is daddy?
Mr. N: Well, he went deer hunting too much.
I just about lost it. Of course, I had to tell the dear hubby that story (I am not sure he appreciated it). His response was, "what kind of crap (sorry Mary Lou) are you feeding our son?" (he was joking of course....I think =) ). I then reassured Mr. N that mommy was never going to leave daddy. To this he responded, "MOOOM, I know that, can I please finish my story?" So sorry Mr. N carry on. Anyway, the rest of the dream was a lot about fighting and so on and so forth. Kudos to me I sat and attentively listened to every single word he said.
Oh, how fast the time goes. Remember, no matter how bad your day, your children are a blessing and will be going away to college and getting married in the blink of an eye. Cherish them, the traits that may irritate the snot out of you may very well be the ones that make them the most incredible leader.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
No Ace-of-Cakes
My hubby and I enjoy watching the Food Network show called Ace of Cakes. This guy and his staff can do the most amazing cakes. You really should check them out. My hubby is quite artistic and I love to bake, so we decided to try our hand at cake decorating. We made a cake for my sister-in-law's baby shower. It took us almost 2 whole days to complete it but it was well worth it for Mrs. M.
We, my hubby and I, did come to the conclusion that we would have to be doing some major practicing before we would consider setting up our own cake bakery. You can also admire my wonderful picture taking abilities. My hubby is the photographer, not I (and yes the cake is a wee bit lop-sided).
We, my hubby and I, did come to the conclusion that we would have to be doing some major practicing before we would consider setting up our own cake bakery. You can also admire my wonderful picture taking abilities. My hubby is the photographer, not I (and yes the cake is a wee bit lop-sided).

Monday, July 7, 2008
Star Wars, Slip-n-Slides and Squirting Boys
Saturday was Mr. I's 5th birthday and it was a blast. He is REALLY into Star Wars (and I mean really, he plays some type of Star Wars EVERY SINGLE DAY). He wanted a star wars cake of Luke and Darth Vader fighting with their light sabers, not an easy task. You can check out our cake below, mind you we are no Duff Goldman.

That cake was enjoyed by many happy children and some uncertain ones too.

We also broke out the slip-n-slide for the hot day. I am not sure who enjoyed it more...the kids or the adults. The older boys, mainly my husbands brothers and cousins (who were visiting from Wyoming) decided to have a slip-n-slide competition. A good portion of that slipping and sliding was done on the grassy hill past the slip-n-slide. They were lathering up their chest with dish soap to see who could go the furthest. They used whatever they could for markers. It was a riot. Enjoy the pictures.

As for the squirting, that would be Lil Mr. N deciding that as soon as I opened up his diaper he was going to christen poor Aunt A. A very laughable moment and a pretty good bloggable moment also.

That cake was enjoyed by many happy children and some uncertain ones too.

We also broke out the slip-n-slide for the hot day. I am not sure who enjoyed it more...the kids or the adults. The older boys, mainly my husbands brothers and cousins (who were visiting from Wyoming) decided to have a slip-n-slide competition. A good portion of that slipping and sliding was done on the grassy hill past the slip-n-slide. They were lathering up their chest with dish soap to see who could go the furthest. They used whatever they could for markers. It was a riot. Enjoy the pictures.

As for the squirting, that would be Lil Mr. N deciding that as soon as I opened up his diaper he was going to christen poor Aunt A. A very laughable moment and a pretty good bloggable moment also.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
All Fish Go To Heaven!?!?!?!?!?
No need for any theological debates here, it is just a silly title. Saturday morning while cooking breakfast my dear husband cried wolf, only this time it was really a wolf (or a dead fish). I don't know how many times in the past 3 years my husband has joked around about one of the fish dying. It really isn't that funny, is it? A dear friend of the family (thanks Uncle Hank) had given Mr. N a beta fish for his 4th birthday. He was red and Mr. N named him Robert. He fed him (most of the time), watched him and talked to him on a regular basis. Always wanted to be sure he was well taken care of. Well, Robert has met his maker. I was very apprehensive of telling the boys that Robert was gone. Mr. N was heartbroken. He cried on and off the whole day. He went through all the stages of grief.
Denial - "Are you sure his dead, maybe he's asleep of just pretending."
Anger -"Well, if dad had changed the water like I asked him to 2 weeks ago maybe he wouldn't have died" (point taken-way to go DAD) =)
Bargaining - "I'll never forget to feed him again if he comes back to life"
Depression - "I am just so sad, can we put stones around his grave" "Can I visit him again"
Acceptance - "Well, Robert was old" "Can I get a new one?"
Oh yes and we did (get a new that is). We opted for a female beta. Bluie Girl has joined Bluie Boy (Mr. I's fish) and the boys are absolutely positive they are falling in love. So Mr. N's broken heart is healing even though he wants to make sure that everyone knows Robert is not replaceable and that Robert has gone to fishy heaven. Not really the time to discuss any theological ideas regarding heaven and animals. So we have survived the first death of a family pet with no known psychological scars.
Denial - "Are you sure his dead, maybe he's asleep of just pretending."
Anger -"Well, if dad had changed the water like I asked him to 2 weeks ago maybe he wouldn't have died" (point taken-way to go DAD) =)
Bargaining - "I'll never forget to feed him again if he comes back to life"
Depression - "I am just so sad, can we put stones around his grave" "Can I visit him again"
Acceptance - "Well, Robert was old" "Can I get a new one?"
Oh yes and we did (get a new that is). We opted for a female beta. Bluie Girl has joined Bluie Boy (Mr. I's fish) and the boys are absolutely positive they are falling in love. So Mr. N's broken heart is healing even though he wants to make sure that everyone knows Robert is not replaceable and that Robert has gone to fishy heaven. Not really the time to discuss any theological ideas regarding heaven and animals. So we have survived the first death of a family pet with no known psychological scars.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Gold Mini-Vans, Books, a Sleepless Night and Yes The Duggers
I attended our yearly, homeschool conference this week and let me tell you it was quite the time. First off, gold mini-vans must now be a staple for homeschool families because it seemed like everyone had one. This is not to imply that I couldn't find my own van........okay that is exactly what I am implying. They (the gold mini-vans) were EVERYWHERE!!!!! I am sure the lack of sleep (who can sleep with a room full of excited homeschool moms) and over stimulation by ALL that curriculum didn't help in my brain issues. Of course you throw the whole newborn thing into the mix, okay you all get the picture. So that pretty much sums up the gold mini-vans, books and sleepless night items.
Onto the Duggar Family. Those kids are so stinkin' cute and very well behaved. I ran into five of them on the elevator and saw that they were on their way up to the twelfth floor which is where we were staying. I asked them if they would be keeping us up all night and one of the little boys says, "Actually we are staying on the fifth". He just sounded so grown up. Kudos to Jim Bob and Michelle, who is pregnant with their 18th child, on raising such polite,well-mannered children. Michelle just has as sweet of a spirit in person as she does on T.V. I really thought that the Duggars would provide some great blogging material but apparently everyone else did too. If you have no clue who I am even talking about you can check them out here
So the homeschool conference has come to a close and I have 3 very tired friends (from the whole sleepless night thing) who I hope all agree we will not be repeating that next year, fun as it was. I have all my curriculum and can hardly wait for the school year to begin.
So for now keep track of your gold mini-vans (especially at homeschool conferences), enjoy all the books, avoid sleepless nights if you can and remember that if Jim Bob and Michelle can handle, soon to be, 18 children, I can handle my three.
Onto the Duggar Family. Those kids are so stinkin' cute and very well behaved. I ran into five of them on the elevator and saw that they were on their way up to the twelfth floor which is where we were staying. I asked them if they would be keeping us up all night and one of the little boys says, "Actually we are staying on the fifth". He just sounded so grown up. Kudos to Jim Bob and Michelle, who is pregnant with their 18th child, on raising such polite,well-mannered children. Michelle just has as sweet of a spirit in person as she does on T.V. I really thought that the Duggars would provide some great blogging material but apparently everyone else did too. If you have no clue who I am even talking about you can check them out here
So the homeschool conference has come to a close and I have 3 very tired friends (from the whole sleepless night thing) who I hope all agree we will not be repeating that next year, fun as it was. I have all my curriculum and can hardly wait for the school year to begin.
So for now keep track of your gold mini-vans (especially at homeschool conferences), enjoy all the books, avoid sleepless nights if you can and remember that if Jim Bob and Michelle can handle, soon to be, 18 children, I can handle my three.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Have Created a Monster
I tend to be somewhat detail/task oriented. I like to have a plan for the day and be able to mentally check things off as I accomplish them. Apparently my somewhat anal, obsessive (whatever you want to call it) behavior has begun to rub off on my 6 year old. As I was preparing for the day Mr. N comes in with a piece of paper numbered from 1 to about 30. He requested that I make a list of everything we need to get done today so that he can check it off. Sound a little familiar? It didn't end there. Everything we did he would proceed to check it off and then let me know what the next thing was we needed to be doing. However, when I was doing something (like blogging) that wasn't on the list he had to make sure that I knew it wasn't on the list by saying,
"Um, mom is working on the computer on the list?".
My response, "Well, it should be".
I appreciate his detail to always having a gameplan and I firmly believe that have an organized household is very beneficial to life, however, I like to be the ONE organizing it.
"Um, mom is working on the computer on the list?".
My response, "Well, it should be".
I appreciate his detail to always having a gameplan and I firmly believe that have an organized household is very beneficial to life, however, I like to be the ONE organizing it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Kids Say The Darndest Things
My father is a pastor and currently my family attends the church where he preaches. We have a multipurpose building(serves as sanctuary and gymnasium). So inside you will find 2, rather large, movable basketball goals which of course every boy loves to climb. I mean seriously why did God make trees...... so my little guys can climb all the way to the top and give me a heart attack (wasn't the first and I am sure it won't be the last). Anyway, back to the basketball goals. So you have a church with a lot of little boys (some big ones too) running around who love to climb up those basketball goals. Of course only 2 of those boys are the grandsons of the pastor. So my boys have on numerous occasions (did I mention my boys like to climb?) been told to get down by my father, the pastor. Well the other day, some other boys were climbing the basketball goal and Mr. N proceeded to tell them that his grandpa doesn't really want anyone climbing on said goals. Then he continues on to say and I quote, "He is the Priest, we should probably listen to him". Oh yes, won't my father be happy to hear that when he returns. Only one of many things to come out of their little mouths that will shock some and embarrass others (mainly me). Here is the bright side, Lil Mr. N can't even talk yet.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
You Have Now Entered the Blog Zone
Okay, with much proding from my SIL and actually her sister, I launch into the world of blogging with boys. I have journaled with all my children since I found out I was pregnant and have felt somewhat stubborn about becoming high tech with journaling but here I am. I am really new at this and don't even know how this is going to turn out. At least it will be entertainment for H & H. You know who you are. I have 3 living boys who are definately ALL BOY. In fact one of the classes we are doing in school next year (yes, I am also crazy enough to homeschool) is a course all about BUGS!!! That should be interesting. I am looking forward to the final look of Little Boys Blue (currently my husband is designing someonelse's blog). I don't know how much will be written here until I get high speed but I just felt inspired to get something going today. So here it is. Enjoy!
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